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Our membership offers you everything you need to become an air fryer expert...

adult and kid cooking in the kitchen with white chef hats

We get it....

Your time is precious

You want clear, concise, easy to make air fryer recipes with NO ADS!

You want easy to understand air fryer cooking times and tips to make your cooking experience quick and successful. 

The less time you spend in the kitchen, the more time you can spend doing the things you enjoy the most!

Members get unlimited access to...

white kitchen with black burners and wood counter tops


“I was already in love with my air fryer but since finding your blog, you have opened up a whole new world for me. I drive all my friends mad telling them how good the air fryer food is and you make ME look like a STAR in the kitchen!”



Easily and quickly find the information you need within a recipe. (No more ads or video ads)…

Learn how to use your specific air fryer in the best way possible…

Have mean plans and grocery lists at your fingertips…

Be part of a supportive community of like-minded air fryer lovers…


Premium Membership

Being part of our membership is the way to go. Say good-bye to ads and videos ads, this creates a unique experience for you to quickly and swiftly find the information you need in the post and allows us to keep creating the content. Being part of our membership can help you become more confident and comfortable with your air fryer. We want you to use it to be able to utilize all the functions of your air fryer. 

More to love:

Bonus 1


We have created some printer/ ebooks for our most popular recipes. These ebooks use minimal ink to print, they contain only the information you need (ingredients, directions) and no additional pictures that use up all the ink!

Bonus 2

Menu Plan

We love sharing ways that you can incorporate your air fryer into your weekly cooking. Whether you cook breakfast in it, the main dish for dinner or a delicious side dish. We offer up menu plans and shopping lists to make your life easier!

Bonus 3

Members Only Recipes

We have a growing collection of members only recipes! You can find sweet and savory air fryer recipes in this section! The Members Only Recipes grows each month!
Top view photo of frozen biscuits in the air fryer, air fried until they are golden brown.

Meet your air fryer friend

I, along with my amazing team, will serve as your guide for this air fryer journey. I honestly wasn't sure what I would do with the air fryer I got as a gift years ago. But once I started to test different foods in it, I quickly realized that this new kitchen gadget is pretty useful and fun to cook with. I hope that I can share what I've learned (what I continue to learn) with you and together as a community we can thrive when it comes to cooking in our air fryers!


Years in Business

Running two websites


Air Fryers owned

Should I even admit that!?


uses air fryer daily

And soon you will be too!

Premium Monthly – Billed once every month.(recurring) Cancel at any time through your member dashboard.

Premium Yearly – Billed once per year. (recurring) If you joined using a coupon or sale, the discounted price is for life. Cancel at any time through your member dashboard.