These air fryer potato skins are perfect for game day, family trivia night, or your simple late-night snack.

Frozen but cooked potato skins on white plate with white back ground

Quick and easy – done in 8 minutes!

Feeling adventurous? Try making air-fried potato skins from scratch!

How to Make Them

How to cook frozen potato skins in the air fryer collage
  1. Remove the potato skins from the freezer and remove them from the package.
  2. Place the skins into the air fryer basket or air fryer tray.
  3. Air Fry the skins at 370F/187C for 5-6 minutes.
  4. Remove the skins from the air fryer and enjoy.
loaded potato skins in black air fryer basket with a white and red napkin to the left side.

How to Serve Potato Skins

Try serving these with Air Fryer Chicken Wings and Air Fryer Mozzarella Sticks for a really fun time. Don’t forget the dipping sauces!

If you’d rather have a meal with a little more balance, use these potato skins as a side dish with a nice salad and some Air Fryer Chicken Breasts or an Air Fryer Steak dinner.

Is It Okay to Eat Potato Skins?

Yes, it is totally fine to eat potato skins. Idaho Potato tells us that when you eat potato skins, you are actually capturing the natural nutrition of a potato!

Potato Skins on a white plate
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How to make frozen potato skins in the air fryer

Wondering how to make frozen potato skins in the air fryer? It is simple! You'll be enjoying your potato skins in less than 8 minutes, start to finish!
Prep Time1 minute
Cook Time6 minutes
Total Time7 minutes
Servings: 2 people
Calories: 1kcal


  • 1 package Potato Skins


  • Remove the potato skins from the freezer. Decide how many you want to make and remove from the package.
  • Place the skins into the air fryer basket or air fryer tray. Air Fry the skins at 370F/187C for 5-6 minutes.
  • Remove the skins from the air fryer, plate and enjoy.



Pro Tip: This recipe can be made in the air fryer unit with a basket or the air fryer oven. If you are using the air fryer oven, use the middle rack and select the “Air Fry” function.


Calories: 1kcal | Carbohydrates: 1g | Protein: 1g | Sodium: 1mg | Sugar: 1g
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Air Fryers can vary greatly. Please take the time to learn your specific air fryer. You may need to adjust times and temperatures based upon your air fryer. All though this website attempts to provide accurate nutritional information, the information should only be considered an estimate. Varying factors such as different product types, different brands, etc. can change nutritional information. It is your responsibility as a consumer to read all labels to make sure the ingredients fit your dietary needs as well as calculate your own nutritional information as a double check.


  1. 5 stars
    Oh man. We love these potato skins from TGI Friday’s. Making them in the air fryer taste even better.

  2. 5 stars
    We are not eating out much since COVID, but I ordered these frozen potato skins with my groceries this week. Whoa, they are even better than at the bar! Love it!

    1. Same for us Ted, we are not eating out due to COVID. Its been fun using our air fryer more to see what we can cook up. So glad you liked the potato skins in the air fryer!

  3. 5 stars
    My skins came out perfect. I was afraid I’d under or over cook them. Bless you for coming up with this website. I just bought an air fryer and I was having trouble finding websites with recipes specific to air fryers. I’ve saved this site to my mobile home screen! Thank you!

5 from 3 votes

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